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Industy & Solutions


construction translation

Our team consists of experienced engineers, architects, construction equipment distributors, and exporters to China with active experience in the construction industry. All of our team members are fluent in the intricacies of the industry’s language, and have proven experience in the field. Our Marketing Department is equipped to oversee the translation of sales materials to ensure that your ideas, and not simply your words, are conveyed properly

General Documents
Legal Documents
Marketing Material

Methods and techniques of compiler construction are applicable to a range of problems that is much broader than the development of compilers for programming languages: Processors for input languages, design languages, specification languages, and intermediate languages in applications programs all demand solutions to translation problems.

We have combined a variety of standard tools that implement powerful compiler construction strategies into a domain-specific programming environment. Using this environment, one can automatically generate complete language implementations from application-oriented specifications. The implementations might be interpretive, using the constructs of the source language to invoke operations of an existing system, or might involve translation into an arbitrary target language

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