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Multimedia Games Translation

Alongside the written word, the business world communicates with voice, video, graphics, music and animation in software applications, distance learning and corporate training materials, internet sites, satellite and web TV, games and, of course, traditional and multimedia corporate presentations.

Full range of multimedia localizations:

•  e-learning applications
•  training materials
•  product and firm presentations
•  interactive catalogues
•  Website Translation
•  Games Manuals
•  Mobile Games
•  Online Games
•  Flash
•  Character Restricted Text
•  Software Strings

Our specialist terminologies and translators deliver accurate translations in all commercial languages for a variety of animation technologies and formats including:

•  Animated GIF's
•  Macromedia Flash
•  Macromedia Shockwave
•  3D Studio Max
•  Alias
•  Direct X
•  SoftImage

Our advantages:

•  modern hardware and software
•  experienced project managers
•  qualified and integrated translation team
•  cooperation with the subject matter specialists
•  complete adaptation to the local market and culture requirements
•  careful functional testing
•  quality assurance

Our engineering process is based on a model which includes extensive Quality Assurance procedures. Each software localization project is completed within a consistent, quality-centric framework. Quality and workflow processes can be adapted to integrate with existing client-side environments.

We control every aspect of the process through our quality assurance procedures.

•  The Impact of Culture
•  Games stories, characters, type of action, the symbolic meaning of colors, numbers, accepted levels of sex and violence, and many other factors impact the success of localized games.
•  Different cultures have specific game genre and style of play preferences.
•  Culture influences the preferred result for a losing game character.
•  Popularity of third-person vs. first-person games varies.
•  Music-the same game may be released with a dance soundtrack in the U.K. and a rock soundtrack in Australia

To maximize success, games should reflect accepted perspectives of national history and religion.

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