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Thai Translation

With Thailand's advance as one of South-East Asia's leading destinations for foreign investment and trade, there is a corresponding demand for top quality localisation services. Through our networks of experienced Thai translators, we handle translations of business, financial and legal documents both into and out of Thai. In addition, we have advanced software capabilities for Thai script and offer expert typesetting services.

All documents, publications and correspondence translated

Our Thai translation experience includes:

•  Business communications for effective operations -- phone calls, relay of faxes, email, courier

•  Love letter, email or mail correspondence (if you wish, we can assign one translator for maximum confidentiality, though turnaround is quicker if not requested)

•  Certified government documents -- most commonly for travel visa -- marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.

•  Product documentation and specifications (e.g., import-export)

•  Promotional and presentation materials (e.g., magazine ads, brochures, business cards)

•  Technical manuals and guides

•  Books, magazine/newspaper articles, etc.

•  Website translation or website localization

•  Legal agreements (e.g., prenuptial, commercial, property)

High quality Thai translation procedures and Thai standards

We work within a documented quality procedure born from experience. Where required we will adopt additional quality controls in order to align with client-side process.

Thai software testing to verify that your application works properly for your target users. Proper platforms, browsers, and test scripts are used to ensure the experience of the Thai users will be as good as if the application was developed specifically for the Thai market.

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