


Translation Services
  Document Translation
  Translation in Teams
  Technical Writing
Language translation
  French Translation
  German Translation
  Spanish Translation
  Italian Translation
  Dutch Translation
Industy & Solutions



We can translate about automotive fields but not limited to

•  control and system theory field

•  instrumentation field,

•  the industrial automation field

Additionally, we support most commercial authoring and design applications on both PC and Macintosh platforms including but not limited to:

•  Microsoft Word

•  Adobe Acrobat

•  Adobe FrameMaker

•  Adobe Illustrator

•  Adobe PageMaker

•  Adobe Photoshop

Specialist automotive translators and terminologies

Our translators are carefully chosen and tested to ensure that only suitably qualified translators, editors and reviewers are applied to your projects. Specialist translators have engineering backgrounds in mechanical engineering, aviation, aerospace, combustion engines, automotive and industrial equipment.

All translators have access to translation memories, dictionaries and terminologies, ensuring that translation is both accurate and consistent across even the largest projects. We can build teams quickly to support major projects, requiring fast turnarounds. Project Managers are skilled in both project planning and quality control.

Today, translation service and localization teams are under tremendous pressure. As companies work hard to remain cost-competitive in the variety of difficult market conditions, these teams are expected to deliver a higher return on investment while still maintaining or improving translation quality. Businesses to business globalization solutions are growing world-wide as are translation workflow automation services

Copyright 2000-2006 Global Bridge Chinese Translation Company All rights reserved.